Cabtours Founders


At CabTours, a leading company in tourism, we specialize in offering unforgettable experiences with exclusive tours in Cusco.

Each of our professionals is trained in the best practices of the tourism sector and acts as a true ambassador of local culture. As a team, we are committed to ensuring every tour is not only comfortable and safe but also deeply enriching.

We see our team as travel companions, dedicated to making every journey through Cusco stand out for its cultural value and the unforgettable experiences we offer to our clients.

Photo of Marcial Nuñez - Co-Founder and General Manager of Cabtours
Marcial Nuñez
Photo of Rusbel Chavez - Co-Founder of Cabtours
Rusbel Chavez
Photo of Jaime Llacta - Co-Founder of Cabtours
Jaime Llacta
Photo of Alex Huillca - Co-Founder of Cabtours
Alex Huillca


As a formal company, we hold all the licenses and authorizations issued by public tourism institutions, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism – MINCETUR, the Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism – GERCETUR CUSCO, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and others that allow us to offer tourism services in the Imperial City of Cusco.

To the right, we can see the business license and certifications that validate us as a tourist transport company.

Cabtours Company Certificate
Cabtours Business License

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